Day: February 28, 2022

The Issues Facing Manatees

Manatees also known as Sea Cows are currently suffering from starvation and electric boats, the issue is growing as sea grass (their only food) disappears from polluted waters and toxic algae. 

Polluted waters can affect and poison their bodies which can lead to death. Algae blocks sunlight, which is needed to grow sea grass. This problem can continue for many years but people have been finding ways to help the manatees, some rescue teams have been feeding manatees and its working great. 

About 300-800 Manatees appear at the feeding spots where they produce about 50,000 pounds to feed them.


About Me

Hola, Talofa, Kamusta, Malo e Leilei, Ni hao!

My name is Roman and I’m Filipino. I love all my family and ancestors that I know of, I have a passion to collect LEGOS, comic books and sports cards ever since I was 10 years old. I’ve attended Saint Patrick’s School since 2019, I’m a Year 8 Learner and my age is 12 years old. I like to play different sports and watch different shows. I love the colour blue and red, my favourite meal is Roast Pork and Rice.

My main goal this year is to try to follow our church virtues and to honour people.